Botanical Pattern-3D Quilling Art (Downloadable pattern)
Botanical Pattern-3D Quilling Art (Downloadable pattern)
Botanical Pattern-3D Quilling Art (Downloadable pattern)

Botanical Pattern-3D Quilling Art (Downloadable pattern)

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Botanical Pattern 0.1, Downloadable Pattern. This is an Instant downloadable package (There is no physical product included)

Your package includes the following:(Received upon purchase)

- 3 PNG Files, Print size is 8x8 inch. The pattern is vector you can always enlarge it to your desired size. 

  • Fine lines (this can be your base) 
  • Bold lines Pattern (Can bas a coloring page - great idea for family activity)
  • Coloured Pattern is for your final project reference, you can also print it on Art grade paper for a beautiful Art print. 

- Guide Sheet

- A demonstrative contemporary 3D Quilling Art video for this specific pattern, link is included on your Guide Sheet.       

The video includes the following:
  • Supplies used on the project
  • Greenery paper art techniques
  • Florals and botanical art techniques and tips to support on the project
  • Demonstrating some color blending techniques in Paper Art
  • How to seal your work
  • Assembly ideas for your 3D florals and greeneries
Please note:This is not a step by step video, it is video is to demonstrate and share with you the no how of each element of this pattern, sharing some tips and tricks to support to create your project.
**If you fell in love with Quilling Art, then do not forget to check out our fully loaded Quilling Art Kit with our Archival paper(Artists grade)
**The templates cannot be used for commercial purposes. You will not receive a physical product.

 **Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions ❤